Keep on smiling!

Wow, we are in November already!

What a year this has truly been – one that none of us will ever forget, and one that will surely go down in the history books as a time of massive changes.

As I write, we are all still embracing ongoing challenges to the way we live and work, and as of 5th November 2020, we will be heading back into national lockdown due to the Coronavirus.

This of course brings about many more challenges than the ones that we have been facing already in this ever-changing world.

So, what do we do about it?

To me staying positive and remaining enthusiastic keeps me sane. I know it can be a challenge to do so, however, I find that by accepting what is happening, and changing my perspective accordingly, helps tremendously.

When we are faced with constant changes and challenges, as we are right now, I always seek out the positive; I look for the opportunities that the circumstances have presented, and I aim to see what I can do differently, how I can change my way of working, how I can invest in myself and my businesses, all while being constantly creative in my approach.

I love being in a positive vibe, and thankfully as that is what I generate, it is what I generally receive back by return. We attract what we energetically transmit to the waiting world through our behaviour, our words, our thoughts, and our actions.

We can bring about the changes we want by making a few small shifts in these areas, and that can transform our lives.

One simple tip, for example, is to pick up the phone with a smile on your face, or call someone who you know that you will have a great conversation with and keep the conversation positive. By simply breaking our current state of mind and changing tack, we can create great results.

Focus goes where energy flows!

  • So how can you change your perspective on how lockdown will affect you?
  • What can you do differently?
  • What opportunities will it present to you?

The key is in reframing.  And what I mean by the term reframing is how can you view the situation differently and look at the positives rather than the negatives, and focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have, and use language that reflects that verbally in your thoughts, and in your spoken and written words too.

If, for example, this means that you can no longer go out as much, how can you take advantage of the extra time you have indoors to do things that you wouldn’t have had chance to do previously?  Personally, I believe it’s about unleashing your creativity and passions.  You may think that you have neither, however, you can use the time to explore the things that do pique your interests.  And if it doesn’t generate the desired effect, then move on and try something else.

I know that this is quite a simplistic explanation as there are a whole host of major issues that will be impacted by the second lockdown.  However, in it’s simplistic form, it is about us taking responsibility for our own behaviour, and how we change our responses and our perspectives, as this does alter how we experience all that is happening around us.

It takes commitment, consistency and focus, but I know that you can do it.  We all can.

There is so much available online right now too that we can access to motivate us that will keep us smiling.

Why not come on over and join my uplifting and friendly Facebook Group for starters?

Or subscribe to my YouTube channel where you can find some truly inspirational stories of people who are doing great work, simply because they love what they do:

And here are some other links that might make you feel more positive and smile:


Keep on smiling – we will get through this and come out the other side wiser and stronger, if not with a few more grey hairs and wrinkles!