The Norfolk Coastal Coach in Brighton – Loving All Coastlines!
Perspective is Everything
I love working as a coach, creating content, and sharing the wisdom I’ve gained in a myriad of ways; work, training, personal development and reading, life and more. However, whilst I share to help others, I also continually work on myself.
As such, I love it when I stop and implement my own advice and walking my talk … I guess it’s essential to do so in all reality!
Last week it involved getting out of my own way, yet again, and shifting my perspective to enable me to keep on recreating my life and live it in a way that works for me.
To be honest with you it’s been an ongoing process for years.
Life really is ‘that journey’ that is regularly referred to, one that is all about learning, implementing change, and progression. If of course that is what you want to do in life.
Stuff doesn’t change unless you do things differently.
Constant Changes
Following my divorce in 2005 it feels like change has very much been the constant as I set to recreating my life – for the first time. I recognised at that moment in time that I had the opportunity to have a second stab at life in this lifetime.
And that is when my personal development journey really began: shifting my perspective on situations, scenarios, and life in general.
It’s not been plain sailing by any manner of means and it most certainly has been a journey that’s for sure.
My second opportunity to recreate my life was in 2015 when another long-term relationship ended. I’ve written about this previously in a blog you can read here, but in short, I spent the following 5 years single embracing all nature of further challenges.
Whilst change was very much a constant in my life so was my recruitment career: employed between 1987 and 2009 with 3 different employers and then into self-employment as a single mum in 2009, before finally setting up my own company, Naylor George Recruitment Limited in 2014.
It provided me a very good income and ability to be self-sufficient – I’ve always provided for myself.
If you’re facing change and finding it challenging, then do get in touch and let’s talk – I’ve plenty to share!

Just one of many beautiful beaches for coastal coaching in Norfolk
Mindfully Aware
Then of course we had Covid.
My business flatlined, never recovered & went into admin in August 2024 and I was forced to let it go.
In all reality though, the world of recruitment had changed so much and was no longer the career (for me) it once was.
I’ve appreciated the part it played in my life for 36 years though and the lifestyle it afforded me. Although, I’d been generating 6-figures in revenue for a couple of decades (I didn’t see all that in cash by the way – I wish!) I was never a highflyer recruitment wise. A very good recruiter yes, but not one who put bums on seats for financial gain as that was never what it was about for me.
I was always aware, and very mindful, of the part I played in peoples’ lives and wanted to do the right thing by my candidates and my clients. I still do with coaching.
Being happy and content is what it’s all about for me.
Letting go completely of recruitment after all those years was therefore very liberating, even if it did hit me hard financially at the same time. Shifting my perspective helped tremendously.

Sarah J Naylor, The Norfolk Coastal Coach – Beach Fun in the Winter Sun
Shifting My Mindset
I then relocated to Norfolk with Gareth to start the next chapter of our lives together. And rebranded as The Norfolk Coastal Coach.
More changes. All positive. But still to be embraced, including getting out of my own way yet again, this time in relation to dealing with the fact that at this moment in time I am not in the same position financially as I once was once.
It’s been a tough one that’s for sure.
For 40 years I’ve been used to paying my own way and right now this is no longer the case.
Although I have been working as a coach since qualifying in 2012, my business activities were very much 80/20 in favour of Naylor George Recruitment Limited. Which of course is no longer the case and hasn’t been for a good 12 months.
Thankfully Gareth is amazing and recognises this fact and appreciates what I’ve been able contribute financially to be able to buy our house.
It was me who had the issue that I needed to sort out, which I did when I let him know exactly how I was feeling. As soon as I’d done this and he reassured me all was well, I was able to release the pressure I’d been putting myself under which wasn’t doing me any favours.
Letting go enabled my energy to fall back into its natural flow.

The Norfolk Coastal Coach – Walking Her Talk
Breaking Free of Those Mental Chains
I recognise that it can be tricky to undo / replace patterns of behaviour that have been there for decades but to change you have to shift your perspective, which is what I had to do.
I know, as does Gareth, how hard I work and love what I am doing.
It had been a mental wrangle though to keep persistently doing my stuff and believing in myself, holding on to the knowledge that everything is working out wonderfully whilst the monkey mind was telling me that I might need to get a part-, or full-time job to contribute more. Which in turn would’ve negated the relocation and fresh start we’d created for ourselves.
I don’t generally let stuff get to me, but this had been for the reasons already mentioned.
However, all is well, and I’ve broken through, and free of those mental chains and am purely sharing to demonstrate that you can always change how you view things to experience life differently. And, more peacefully too.
As you bring about change, let go of stuff that no longer serves you and implement stuff that does, so your personal experience of life starts to transform. It takes consistency and self-belief though, as I’ve already mentioned.
Last week, I got out of my own way, and, in alignment with my consistent approach to build up content on Insight Timer I uploaded another course that I had created, which went live yesterday, Tuesday 20th March. I am thrilled to report that I now have over 300 students across both courses which is fantastic.
Last Friday though, having uploaded the second course I clocked off early afternoon to embrace some fresh sea air.
Walking my Talk
Taking my own advice!
Gareth and I then kick-started Saturday at Sandringham parkrun & spent the afternoon gardening. Sunday, we did a boot-camp on the beach – in the rain! It was invigorating.
Such a great start to the day although we did then have a nana nap in the afternoon before cracking on with other stuff.
Going with the flow.
Tuning into our bodies.
Doing what’s right for us.
And, appreciating all we have 🤩🙏🏻
Top Tips
- Believe in yourself despite any challenges to the contrary.
- Talk with someone about what’s on your mind be it a partner, or where necessary, a coach like me.
- Follow your flow – if you find yourself meandering off, you can jump back on at any given time.
- You can restart your life at any time – you just need to start.
- You are responsible for the way you experience life – if it isn’t quite how you’d like it to be right now, take time out to discover what you need to change and act.
- Be grateful and appreciate all that you have right now – in other words, focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have.
PS – If you’re already on Insight Timer I’d love a follow! Click here to find me.
PPS – Fancy a chat about anything I’ve spoken about please get in touch: email or ring me on 07743 164170.