RIP Queen Elizabeth II  

By |2023-11-30T17:20:32+00:00September 13th, 2022|

RIP Queen Elizabeth II We were all aware that this moment in time would arrive, and even though Elizabeth Regina has been such a constant in everyone’s life for such a long time, it will have come as a shock to many that she is suddenly no longer here. On a personal level, I didn’t [...]

My Dad Thinks I’m a Fairy!

By |2023-03-07T13:38:00+00:00June 16th, 2022|

My Dad Thinks I’m a Fairy! Does he really? To level with you, my dad doesn’t think I’m a fairy at all.  It is, however, the title of an amazing book collaboration I am a part of, alongside 12 incredible co-authors. My fabulous friend, the gorgeous Serena Dodd, had the vision to curate this inspirational [...]

‘You’re kind of a BIG DEAL in Hong Kong!’

By |2023-03-07T13:39:28+00:00December 7th, 2021|

‘You’re kind of a BIG DEAL in Hong Kong!’ This was the subject line in an email that I received from Pete Allen, my fab podcast producer, at the weekend! 😄 💥 What? 💥 How? 💥 Really? 💥 How did that happen?! As I read through Pete’s email, I arrived at the message that he’d [...]

The News – Read all about it!

By |2023-03-07T13:40:42+00:00June 25th, 2020|

 The News - Read all about it! Good news, bad news, fake news. News, news, news. What do we believe? Who do we believe? Why should we believe? What do we want to believe? Perception is everything. The media ‘report’ what they perceive we want to watch or hear based upon viewing / reading figures [...]

‘Weirdos and misfits’ – and the impact of labelling people

By |2023-11-30T17:41:58+00:00January 9th, 2020|

It’s 8:30am on Friday 3rd January 2020, I am eating porridge in line with my new year Joe Wicks-inspired routine when my mobile phone rings with the ‘private number’ caller ID. I answer, thinking that it might be BBC Radio Nottingham as all my calls from them are listed this way. But it’s not, it’s [...]

Friday Fun at BBC Radio Nottingham

By |2024-04-12T11:32:38+00:00March 10th, 2019|

Upbeat Vibes at BBC Radio Nottingham: Sarah J Naylor, Olivia Swift, Mark Dennison Just love doing my ‘Loose Lady’ stint on the Mark Dennison Show at BBC Radio Nottingham on a Friday morning. This is something I have been doing since early 2013 I think, although my first appearance on the show may [...]

‘Loose Lady’ Time! – A Visit to BBC Radio Nottingham

By |2023-03-07T13:41:23+00:00September 22nd, 2018|

Oh, how I love being a ‘Loose Lady’ on Mark Dennison’s show on BBC Radio Nottingham.  I’ve been a regular guest now for more years than I care to remember.  It’s always such great fun and I just love it when I’m on the show, as it means starting my day with a shed load [...]

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