Sarah J Naylor, The Norfolk Coastal Coach – excited to be a published teacher on Insight Timer
Exciting Times
I’m absolutely thrilled right now that the audio / abridged version of my Manifest Your Dream Job course has now been published and is live over on Insight Timer.
Exciting stuff.
It has been somewhat of a journey to get to this point though.
Only a few short weeks ago I had never even heard of Insight Timer. Once it had been introduced to me though, the benefits too, it felt right for me, and I was keen to get started.
I then spent time creating my profile and learning how to edit audio on a platform called Audacity. Submitting 2 free tracks is an essential requirement if you want to gain access to Insight Timer as a teacher.
As soon as my profile and tracks had been approved, I was given permission to create courses too. And this, apparently, is where I can earn a ‘passive’ income. I say passive, as I clearly must create the content in the first place, and I will also need to interact with students on the platform. Which is something I love doing – supporting and encouraging others in all areas of my life, particularly of course my coaching clients.
I’ll be brutally honest though, given the high volume of free content that I have created to date via YouTube and my podcast, it will be lovely to do what I love doing and earn an income from my passions too. Which is what I did for 36 years as a recruiter in all reality.
We all need to earn some dollar as they say – or maybe that was just my old office manager!
Going Live
I’ve also applied to do lives – I’m still waiting to hear whether I will be granted permission. I had to do an internet speed test and mine was at the lowest they’d accept – I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Manifest Your Dream Job course was approved a couple of days ago and went live first thing this morning – Wednesday 13th March 2023.
I already have 56 students registered – exciting stuff!! 🤩
Loving this chapter, however, the above was the short journey to this exciting point, which in all reality has taken many years.
Learning Along the Way
Back in 2016, and as part of my ongoing personal development activities, I booked myself on to deliver a talk at The Best You Expo at The Excel in London.
As you do when you’ve never delivered a talk in your life before!
I then realised that I needed something to promote. 🙄
In my infinite wisdom I decided to write a book. It was something that had been at the back of my mind for some time however, I now was the time to put it into action.
One ‘brain dump’ later I then met the amazing Emma Sasai via a small networking group who subsequently helped me throughout the process with her incredibly editing skills and phenomenal support.
And so, ’Shining a Light on You, How to Manifest Your Dream Job’ was written and published in 2017.
I then delivered my talk (having deferred by a year) in 2018. In fact, in 2019 I reflected on the previous decade in which this took place.

Sarah J Naylor – Delivering How to Manifest Your Dream Job Keynote
Lessons in Life
Fast forward to 2020 and Covid flatlined my recruitment business.
I pivoted, created for my newly created YouTube channel which I filled with careers advice and inspiring guest episodes, undertook an NLP course, I then focused on turning my book into a digital course.
The feedback from students has been fantastic.
I’m halfway through the course, and what a revelation it’s been already! After being made redundant from a role I loved, I was finding it difficult to look forward to the next chapter of my career. The course lectures so far have really helped me understand what I want from a future role, as well as helping me through the practicalities of applying for jobs.
Sarah has been a great support and is so personable it’s made my journey during such a tough time that much easier! I can’t wait to explore the next lectures of the course to further my understanding and help manifest that dream job!
However, I then realised that promoting it was a whole new ball game if I wanted to raise awareness to my course.
Social Media Marketing – Lessons Learned!
I embarked on a crazy (and expensive!) journey in the world of social media marketing only to have a massive penny drop moment in the process.
They teach you sell your course and then create it was the first bombshell!
I’d spent A LOT of time and energy creating mine already and am very proud of my creation.
The second bombshell was discovering that you need an audience to sell your course / product too before creating it!
I had the course, not the audience.
The final bombshell was in the realisation that these social media marketing courses are marketed towards businesses, albeit predominantly solopreneurs / sole traders / entrepreneurs, and their format of B2B sales doesn’t work when selling directly to the consumer in all reality. In other words, those selling the marketing concept are the ones who are really making the money, not the small business owners who have bought the training.
I’ve learned a lot more than I am sharing via my experiences and that of others that’s for sure – its been a bit of an eye opener.
That said, I have learned a lot, not all that I was expecting but it’s been good stuff. And I have made some incredible contacts globally who I am honoured to have as friends in my world. 😍
Insightful Lessons
I then launched and funded my podcast Harnessing Happiness. Even though I’m thrilled to have achieved 42K downloads in over 130 countries, I had to press pause March 2023 as I could no longer afford to have it professionally produced.
My recruitment business was seriously struggling – it never fully recovered from Covid, Brexit, and the changes in the economy and went into admin in August 2023 and will hopefully be wound up by August 2024.
I’ve learned A LOT along the way.
As such, when I was introduced to Insight Timer, I knew it felt right.
You create the content.
The audience is already there.
And you get paid on plays & your interaction with students.
It will take a while to build momentum of course.
I have no idea yet what income I will be able to generate from it but it has to be worth trying.
To me it feels right, and I am all for trusting my instinct. I’ve the kit available to do the recordings and I’ve been learning a lot (well, a bit) about editing and it’s going okay so far.
In short, I’ve surrendered, am trusting the process, and going with the flow. 😍
Top Tips
Always find the positives in everything.
Trust your gut instinct and intuition.
The tough times build resilience.
Connect with your talents and passions.
Follow your flow.
Trust & believe in yourself and keep focused.
Keep working on yourself, adjusting as necessary, and navigating your soul’s true path.
Do what you love doing, love life and live it to its fullest.
Fancy a chat – then book your FREE Discovery Call with me.

Getting Excited About Life & Learning