🌟🌟 OMG – I need to write a blog post, and a LinkedIn post! 🌟🌟

For those of you who post on your blog page or your LinkedIn page on a regular basis, I am sure that you are only too aware of how quickly the time vanishes when you need to post some new content rolls around.

I most certainly am!

I also know that if I don’t write the content for my weekly posts at the very beginning of the week, then the week just slides past and before you know it, a new week is upon us!Β  Since this week has been a shorter one due to the Jubilee bank holiday, I have had to shoe-horn what I would usually do over the course of five days into three!  😱

Hurrah to the long bank holiday weekend though! 🀩

Boo to the intensified workload that needs tackling to get there. 😬

I love what I do but sometimes the volume of work pressures do mount up.

There are, however, always solutions.

There are always different ways of looking at things.

The way I tackled this particular issue to rustle up a short LinkedIn post, which bought me some time and enabled me to feel inspired to write this post.

It’s been a very busy few weeks across all areas of my work, not least running the free coaching giveaway that some of you may have seen.Β  Co-ordinating it all has really stretched the old grey matter and, I think, given me more grey hairs too!

It’s been amazing to receive so many entries and have the chance to work through choosing the winners but again, this involves coordinating my diary … arghh. I’m getting there though and have already delivered two amazing coaching sessions to two lucky winners.

I get so excited when I coach as I know how much I can help my clients get the results they desire. I work organically and holistically and together we brainstorm, come up with solutions, look at things in different ways and of course there is the accountability too, which is part of the motivation and process of change.

In short, you get far more done far more quickly when you work with a coach in whatever field you want to gain results within.Β  Let’s face it, an Olympic swimmer doesn’t win gold by heading off to the local pool once a month.Β  They put the work in and have someone skilled in their craft helping them to train and get results, and that’s what my style of performance coaching helps my clients get results across mindset, confidence, life, career, business, relationships etc.

I love helping my clients get results, and love seeing their transformation.

Although that wasn’t what I was planning to talk about – it just evolved.Β  This is all part of how I work – it’s about trusting the process, it’s going with the flow, it’s just going for it and cracking on, as I am doing this week (and all other weeks, to be honest). In short, knowing that I am pressed for time, I can’t really mull things over or procrastinate, so I’ve just hit the keyboard and started typing.

I am going to keep it short as I need to get lots done within the next 4 hours before going to Gargrave to visit friends for a couple of days.

On that note, I wish you all a wonderful long weekend and hope you enjoy any Platinum Jubilee celebrations that you might be taking part in or, if not, that you just enjoy the longer break.

Short reflections:

It’s amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it.

Remove procrastination, follow your flow and β€˜just do it’ –it saves time.

I love coaching.

The giveaway was a mammoth undertaking as it’s something I’ve never done before, but it was heartening to have so many entrants / people wanting to work with me.

I love helping people to transform their lives.

Coaching works when you’re ready to take action.

I’m tired and ready to take a break!

Have a wonderful long weekend.

Lots of love

Sarah xx

PS If you’d like help looking at other options, solutions across all areas of your life, and want to take steps to bring about changes, feel more confident and live life on your terms, then please do send me a DM and let’s have a chat. 🌟🌟