Coastal life - fresh air, beach huts, blowing away the cobwebs, going from frazzled to focused with coastal walk and talk coaching sessions with a qualified personal coach. Destress. Become calm and reenergised. Mindset. Exercise,. Wellbeing

Letting the wind blow away the cobwebs and stresses of the day

Motivating a Motivational Lifestyle

Or, Monday Moon Motivation aka Getting My Slap On!

Monday was a great day to get motivated according to my Moonology diary by Yasmin Boland.  I bought it at the end of last year as I was keen to learn more about the moon’s energy this year and how it impacts our lives. Albeit in bite sized chunks.

It’s working slowly … quite slowly, in fact.  However, as it’s a diary it’s something that I pick up and put down regularly.  As such it is informing me on a drip feed basis information about the cycles of the moon and how to best work with its energies.

Motivational tips

If you’re looking to learn something new and it seems overwhelming, break it down into bite sized manageable chunks as per this example of mine.  Make the learning realistic, and achievable. If you want to up your game when it becomes more ingrained and familiar you can do that too.

I’m not expecting to be an expert by the end of the year, however, hopefully I’ll know that bit more myself, and maybe even during the year I will be able digest the book I bought several years ago by Yasmin Boland on the same subject.  I tried before, but my mind didn’t find absorbing information about houses, signs, etc. overly easy, hence taking this approach.

I digress, so let’s get back to being motivated and taking advantage of the energy that was available on Monday.  Although to be fair, in terms of energy, I was somewhat knackered after a full-on weekend with Gareth.  From parkrun to visiting kitchen showrooms, and from chopping back a massively overgrown conifer hedge sat in the middle of the garden (random) to the tip and subsequent beach walk, we didn’t stop. I need to learn to take some breaks at the weekend, I really do, so much fun stuff to be doing though!

Whilst I’d already started cracking on with a few things before I read the exert about using the energy available on Monday to get motivated due to the tiredness I was feeling very demotivated every time I caught a glimpse of my tired, makeup less face in the mirror. Yikes.

I decided to transform my appearance to make myself feel better and more energised.  And so, I threw on some ‘slap’.

Now I’m more than happy to be ‘au naturel’, as I hope this photo, taken on Old Hunstanton beach clearly demonstrates. However, there are times when simply putting on my makeup (for me) makes me feel so much better.  It makes me feel ‘more human’ again and helps get me in the zone even if it is totally unnecessary, as I’m working from home, and won’t be seeing anyone, online or in person.  Well, with the exception of Amazon and Evri delivery drivers.

We all have things that we can call upon that will get us into the zone, re-energise us and rework our mojo, our motivation, and uplift our energy levels.

What is your ‘go to’ solution to feel more energised and motivated? 

How often do you access it to get you in the ‘zone’? 

Drop me an email and let me know what inspires you – I’d love to know.

If you missed it, and want an extra dose of motivational inspiration you can read about them in this blog.

Being out in nature is so good for your overall wellbeing. Fresh air, exercise, letting the wind blow away the cobwebs, taking you from frazzled to focused. It re-energises you, it gives you an overall sense wellness and a feel good vibe. I love being by the sea but also love trail running and getting muddy. It's about being yourself, identify with that and just living your life for you and loving it. That is motivational and inspiring - free to be you.

Loving the mud on the flooded nature reserve at Snettisham

Re-motivate yourself with a well-deserved break

We’re all different of course and as such we can implement a wide range of strategies that are bespoke to us personally.   Knowing what they are and being able to draw upon those strategies as you need them is a great help.

Motivation is helped by taking breaks too.  Taking time out to look after yourself really does pay dividends.

I am in the middle of reading a draft of book that is due to be published later this year, as I’ve been asked to provide the authors with a review in advance.  What I can say though is that they too talk about the importance of looking after yourself and discuss the variety of things that you can actively do to make yourself feel better.

When you look after yourself, it’s not selfish it’s self-care at its best.

How often do you apply a good dose of self-care?

Taking time out to just be, to meditate, to focus on your wellbeing, breathing, life, lifestyle, meditating, slowing things down. Being peaceful. Self-care. Self-awareness. Looking after yourself.

Put yourself first – take some time out for you

Taking time out from your busy day may seem unproductive, but trust me, pushing yourself above and beyond and putting undue pressure on yourself can cause all nature of issues.

I have a habit of being overly hard on myself and must keep reminding myself of what I have achieved and not to expect all that I want to happen to manifest instantly.  I do my best to follow my gut instinct and intuition and would encourage you to do the same wherever possible.

Clearly the flexibility and opportunities we have vary greatly.  That said, simply taking time out to do something you enjoy doing could give you that self-care you need.

From meditating to journaling, to reading a book or boogieing away in the house, or going out for a run, swim, bike ride or 40 winks – do your thing.  What works for you is the key.

I talked about re-energising and taking time out in a blog I wrote earlier this year.

Value Yourself and Others will Value You More – Invest in Yourself

Finding it hard to carve out time for yourself?

Feeling overwhelmed?

Frazzled not focused?

Need someone who will listen and not judge whilst you spend time working it all out?

Grab some time with me – have a chat.  Discover whether I am right for you and whether you want to take things further and have some coaching that will help you transform your life (personally and professionally) and enable you to live your best life yet.

Simply want a daily dose of inspiration – head over to my Facebook group or work your way through the 155 Harnessing Happiness podcast episodes that are freely available.

Careers advice you can find on YouTube.

In business?  Join me for my next See No Bounds Get Connected Norwich – use this link at put SN15# to visit for FREE (2 visits only).

And there’s also my monthly FREE online group coaching session: Harnessing Happiness 4 Life. Contact me here for more information.

Take a moment to stop and breath whilst absorbing the calming energy of this glorious sunset. Feeling still, meditative, restorative, health and wellbeing can be found in nature in its simplest forms. This is where I run my walk and talk coaching sessions - we can take in sunsets and sunrises too.

Glorious sunset at Old Hunstanton

Top Tips For a Fab Life

Remember that self-care isn’t selfish it’s essential.

Carve out some time each day for you – even if it’s 5 or 10 minutes reading a book (NOT scrolling on your phone!)

Spend as much time as you can in nature – it’s good for the soul.

Exercise: walk, run, cycle, boogie – move your body and do your thing.

Finding stuff overwhelming – break it all down into tasks that you can easily do which will make the larger stuff diminish before your eyes.

Seek help when you need it – it could be simply listening to an inspiring podcast, jumping on a webinar, reaching out to your network, or contacting someone like myself, a professional in a related field.

Look for the positives in everything – reframe challenging situations as learning opportunities.

Changing your response changes your experience and therefore the way you experience the world.